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Chongyang Lecture Series No.177

Theme: Development of China’s Banking Over the Past 70 Years

Speaker:Zhuang Yumin, Dean of School of Finance, RUC

Time: 7-9 pm, Oct 27

Place: Lecture Hall at the third floor of Culture Square (near the east gate)

Host: Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, RUC

Sign up:

Tel: 62516025-8013 (Monday-Friday)

Email: rdcy-baoming@ruc.edu.cn (Content should includes 人大重阳系列讲座No.177-Name-Identity-phone number)

Wechat: Follow the official Wechat account “rdcy2013” and send “人大重阳系列讲座No.177-Name-Identity-phone number” to register