Upcoming Events

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Upcoming Events

Application for MSF Program in 2020 has started on Oct 10,2019. To get the basic information and latest news of the program, please follow our official English website http://sf.ruc.edu.cn/msf/.

If you have any interest or question about the MSF program, please feel free to contact teachers at Center for Internaitional Programs(CIP) by email ms_finance@ruc.edu.cn or telephone +(86)10-82509258.

Appication Process of MSF Program

To apply for the MSF Program, you need to complete the application form at http://app.ruc.edu.cn/idcwb/ first and pay the application fee, then submit the required materials to ms_finance@ruc.edu.cn. You can find the requirements in the "Applicaition Materials" column of the website.