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Financial Technology (“FinTech”) is developing rapidly globally. China undoubtedly has grown into a global leader in its burgeoning FinTech industry, including mobile payment, AI, Blockchain, Big Data, RegTech, WealthTech and other sub-sectors. Thus, there is greater demand of FinTech hybrid professionals and people are eager to learn more about FinTech knowledge and skills. The School of Finance, Renmin University of China as a leading finance education institution is launching its pioneering “MS in FinTech” program which will open application in Nov 2020 and starts class in Sept 2021.

In the meantime, we are also organizing a series of open webinars focusing on topics of FinTech, Entrepreneurship, Investments and other hot business topics for all interested learners. We are grateful to have those outstanding speakers from industry leaders, influential policy makers and well-known scholars, many of whom are RUC’s alumni. Thank you for sharing your stories and expertise with us. And to all the audience, your feedbacks and questions are much welcomed regarding these webinars.

Time: 9:00-21:30pm (GMT+8), Nov 13th (Fri)

Topic: “AI Frees People from Paperwork in Finance”

Speaker: LUO Ping, Chief Scientist at Beijing Paoding Technology (PAI)

Beijing Paoding Technology (PAI) is the leading pioneer in the field of 'document intelligence' that aims to relieve the compliance and efficiency issues in financial document processing.

In this webinar, Prof. Luo will share his experience in FinTech and introduce

- How does AI free human from paperwork in finance industry

- Key technologies behind Document Intelligence

Speaker Bio:

Prof. LUO Ping received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is currently an associate professor in the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS. Before that, he was a Senior Research Scientist in the Hewlett-Packard Labs, China. Dr. Luo’s general area of research is data mining and machine learning, with a focus on knowledge discovery from richly formatted documents. He has published widely in refereed journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, and ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). He received the ACM CIKM Best Student Paper Award (2012), and two Best Paper Candidate Awards (CIKM 2010, and SDM 2010). He is also the recipient of the Doctoral Dissertation Award, China Computer Federation, 2009. With the rich experiences in both industry and academia, Dr. Luo also provides consultant services to many famous enterprises, such Tencent and Baidu.

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